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The value of Life Care products


Life Care's main objective is to provide effective, safe and pleasurable products.


We do that by using organic main ingredients that are naturally recognized and accepted by our body (organic DNA recognition in every level of our body: organs, blood, and cellule).

This is the ‘big secret’ behind our products for being efficient and safe.

There is no need to add additional chemical, "efficiency enhancers" in this process. Any chemical or GMO (Genetically modified organism) "add-on" will become a toxic waste that our body will try hard to eliminate. That is why we avoid any chemical or GMO (Genetically modified organism) in our ingredient list.


Counting that we operate in a demanding market, our unique recipes are made after a lot of testing to meet the "pleasurable index need" of our customers ( look, feel, smell, density, color, etc )


We are constantly developing our recipes in order to upgrade to new ingredients approved by the organic certification bodies worldwide.



The products from Life Care portfolio are premium products developed by the leading manufacturers of BIO cosmetics, nutritional supplements and detergents in the world. Their quality is certified by independent internationally recognized certifying bodies, such as ECOCERT or BDIH and by the Ministry of Health in Romania.



BDIH standard specifies the ingredients in the products composition, what preservation systems are admitted and ensures the fact that products are not tested on animals. The principles that define the BDIH concept regarding "the controlled natural cosmetics" are: protection of nature – during extraction of used raw materials, it is wanted that the nature to be disturbed as little as possible, taking into account the protection of animals. It is ruled out the interference or genetic manipulation of the hereditary legacy of the plants or animals; careful transformation of raw materials into finished products, without chemical reactions.



Packages must be economic and observe the environment; the controlled natural cosmetics must give up synthetic dyes and preservatives and contain substances with low allergic potential. ECOCERT is an international inspection and certification body of organic products that verifies the compliance of organic products with the European and national legislation and with the international standards in force. ECOCERT certified products do not have in their composition: mineral oils, silicone, and emulsifiers such as PEG, parabens, synthetic perfumes, synthetic dies or solvents such as Propylene Glycol.


Each ingredient in the Life Care products composition is carefully selected and processed so that its value for the body to be complete. Life Care products, either natural or having in their content organic ingredients or are 100% BIO represent a healthy alternative for the support and protection of the body, being recommended even to sensitive or allergic persons.  


What does BIO mean?


To live BIO means to eliminate from our surroundings everything that is artificial, chemical or processed. An organic lifestyle is the natural choice by which we, who love life and try to live it as healthy as possible, want to change mentalities and habits so that the world becomes more aware of the choices they make.


We decided to say a firm NO to chemicals, because we thought about the health of our families and children, because we realized the harm we do to nature and because we realized that the pace at which things take place affects us negatively in general.


BIO starts with the origin of the ingredients in the composition of the products we consume.


Organic agriculture does not use pesticides, fertilizers and other substances that seep and pollute as much as factory waste. The very purpose of organic farming is to encourage and protect ecosystems and biodiversity.


A BIO life means that everything we consume, whether it is food, cosmetic or detergent, is compatible with nature, with our body and does not contain chemicals.


Organic foods have a higher nutritional content than conventional foods and are much tastier and more satisfying.


Organic detergents are obtained from natural substances, which do not affect the environment or our skin, do not cause allergies or irritation. The skin, which is the largest organ of the body, is directly affected by the cosmetic products applied, being able to absorb everything that comes into contact with it. A substance that is applied to the skin and stays there long enough, is absorbed by the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, then passing into the circulatory system. Thus, any substance from the creams, lotions, gels, oils, etc., that we use can reach the blood, then the organs.


Organic cosmetics are obtained only from ingredients that are found in a natural state, do not contain preservatives, dyes or other toxic substances. Compared to classic cosmetics, they are manufactured according to very strict rules, otherwise the producer would not be able to obtain the organic certification.


Organic products are beneficial not only for humans but also for nature, organic cosmetic producers trying to use as few packaging as possible and that are biodegradable.


An organic lifestyle involves using organic products in all areas of our lives, something that Life Care ® tries to facilitate for all its partners.


For all these reasons, BIO is the right choice!



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